Friday, May 29, 2009

So I'm I Uncool Cuz I Don't Have A Twitter

So rite evrybodi keepz tlkin about this twitter thing and i dnt get it. It lukz borin. I been on it, it is boring. so i have no idea why ppl are in love wit it so badly.fag-a-tree.

n e waiiz..
imma try 2 b new ands write sumthin diz tyme

so i been thinking it mite be tyme for me (nd cie'cey) to get a job. I realli wanna turn ma swag on 4 next year. I mean it would b ma junior year and i onli got 2 mor years left to go so. Why not leave dat corney *** skool wit a good impression. Idk tho, becuase my last job(Mcdonalds.lmao) sucked.Nd idk where i want to work now=[


1 comment:

  1. uhm yeah...Twitter is over rated! Its one of those things to have...JUST to say you have one. I guess they call that "Keeping up with the Jones's." lol.

    Suggestion for a summer job... BABYSIT! Im sure you have some kinda experince with kids...who doesnt?! You get to sit around an airconditoned home, watch TV (and the kid) and get paid...what can be better?! lol!

    Nice blog ladies! Be back soon!

    -Kelly of *AF* girls
