Sunday, May 17, 2009

color, wait no, too colorful?

-When my mom was growing up i notice from alot of her pics they wore alot of color.From a simple outfit they would aleast have 4 different colors on. Now im not no fashion expert(nor my companion cie'cey) but were bringing da color outfitters back and better. Now my thought about it is that there's a thing of too much color. And that's were people draw the line where if you match or not. Personally i don't really explore da life of color becuz i like to match from head to toe=]. But i know i lot of people who do( like the cool kids), wheres the limit.?

- Nie'cey


  1. love love love angela and vanessa simmons<3 !(:

  2. I think colorful is cool especially on boy my boyfriend is a colorful person but whatever you guys would look nice if you were more colorful but you look great now

  3. love love!!
    I love color soo much, I'm even contemplating about getting a job at Lowes working in the paint colors soo much..
    Neat Blog..=D
